Europaspåret – connecting Sweden and Denmark

Europaspåret (the European track) is a fixed link between Copenhagen and Landskrona that will double the rail capacity between Sweden and Denmark, increase possibilities for freight trains and reduce travel times.

Why Europaspåret?

Today the Öresund Bridge is the only fixed link between Sweden and Denmark for rail traffic. The bridge does not have enough capacity for the future needs and is a bottleneck in the European rail network. New capacity is needed across Öresund for both regional, remote and freight trains. Europaspåret is the only proposal for a new fixed link between Sweden and Denmark that provides a complete solution for the rail traffic.

About Europaspåret

A 19 kilometers long tunnel between Copenhagen and Landskrona for long distance, regional and freight trains.

Reduces the travel time from Stockholm to Copenhagen, Hamburg, and Berlin by 30 minutes.

Reduces the travel time from Gothenburg to Copenhagen, Hamburg, and Berlin by 55 minutes.

Increases the railway capacity across Öresund by 100 % and decongests the railways through Lund, Malmö, and Copenhagen Airport.

A green infrastructure project that encourage the transfer of freight transport from road to railway.

Can manage the 90 % increase in freight trains between Denmark and Sweden that is expected after the opening of the Fehmarn Belt fixed link in 2028.

Creates a connected, robust, and dependable railway system with redundancy across Öresund together with the Öresund bridge.

Decreases travel times within the Öresund region significantly and improves commuting opportunities.

Increases the integrated labour market region by 325,000 people in the working age.

An investment of 48 billion Swedish kronor that can receive up to 40 % EU subsidy.

Click here to download our latest report with everything you need to know about Europaspåret.


Contact information: Landskrona stad, Drottninggatan 7, Landskrona, +46 (0) 418-47-00 00,